At The Law Office of Julia M. Pendleton, attorney Julia Pendleton wants to turn your journey into a positive experience. By building a strong, professional relationship, she can work with you to resolve your immediate divorce and family law issues while exploring options for the protection of your interests down the road.
She has spent years helping Greensboro families walk through their family law legal disputes. Just because you may not see your concern listed doesn’t mean she can’t help. You are encouraged to reach out, speak with Julie, and get answers to your specific questions and concerns.
Comprehensive Family Law Experience
Below are some of the most common types of family law issues Julia handles:
Adoptions – Julia Pendleton provides services for family adoptions, stepparent adoptions and third-party adoptions.
Asset and debt distribution, equitable distribution and interim distribution – Asset and debt divisions can be accomplished through property settlement agreements and equitable distribution judgments. Julia Pendleton has experience with both options and can explain the pros and cons for both as you make decisions regarding the direction of your case. You may also have an interim option for a temporary and nonprejudicial division of property shortly after any equitable distribution action is filed pending final resolution of the permanent property division.
Qualified domestic relations orders – These types of orders are required for the division of certain retirement accounts. Sometimes these types of orders are necessary to effectuate an equitable and fair division of assets acquired during the marriage. It is important to have legal guidance in draft and execution for these types of orders.
Post-separation support/alimony – Financial relief can be provided to a spouse who is considered dependent in North Carolina. Julia Pendleton represents both dependent spouses and spouses who are considered the supporting spouse for purposes of spousal support. Post-separation support and alimony can be resolved in different ways, and there are several options that should be considered, regardless of whether you are the dependent spouse or supporting spouse.
Attorney fees – Although attorney fees are not awarded in an equitable distribution action, they are available in certain situations, including custody and support actions, breach of contract and contempt actions. Julia Pendleton can advise you on whether you may be entitled to attorney fees, or whether you may be ordered to pay attorney fees in certain situations.
Breach of contract – If you need to force the other party to comply with a property settlement, contract of separation, prenuptial agreement or any other type of contract you have signed with another party, a breach of contract action can give you the opportunity to force compliance or otherwise give you an opportunity to seek money damages for any material breach by the noncomplying party.
Contempt proceedings/enforcement of judgments – If a party refuses to comply with a court order, and is not justified in such actions, such party can be held in contempt of court and ordered to pay a fine, attorney fees and possibly serve a jail sentence.
Domestic violence/civil no-contact orders – Domestic violence restraining orders or civil no-contact orders are options for people in certain situations and in certain types of relationships to seek relief from certain kinds of behavior such as emotional/physical abuse, harassment and stalking. You can obtain an immediate Order of no contact from the court if certain acts have occurred against you by another individual that rise to the level of domestic violence, harassment, unwanted contact or stalking.
Guardianship – In very limited situations, you may be entitled to seek guardianship over a child or person. These cases are extremely fact-specific, so consulting an attorney, such as Julia Pendleton, is imperative to take the correct action.
Guardian ad litem services – Julia Pendleton serves as a guardian ad litem in custody cases, but she also seeks the appointment of a guardian ad litem in custody cases where there is a need. A guardian ad litem is a person appointed to represent the best interests of a child. In certain cases, the appointment of a guardian ad litem for the child is required, such as legitimation actions and contested termination of parental rights. Sometimes guardian ad litems are helpful in advising the court on certain issues that are in dispute in a custody case. This may be an option you wish to consider in your custody case.
Legitimation – Legitimation petitions are filed in the Special Proceedings department of the Clerk of Court by unwed fathers who want to be acknowledged as the legal father of their child. Certain rights are assigned once a legitimation order is signed, so it is important to seek legal advice about these types of petitions.
Mediations – Julia Pendleton frequently participates in mediations with her clients, either on a voluntary basis to obtain out-of-court settlements or pursuant to the court mandate. Mediations are a large part of Julia Pendleton’s practice, and most mediations prove to be a good use of time and resources because clients can achieve good results and resolve most, if not all, of their unresolved issues.
Arbitrations – Arbitration is another alternative dispute resolution forum that offers a way to achieve resolution without the time and expense of courtroom litigation.
Name changes – Both adults and children (in certain situations) can seek name changes. A name change involves petitioning the Clerk of Court in special proceedings to obtain a name change order. Name change requirements have drastically changed over the last few years. Julia Pendleton has knowledge and experience in these changes and has successfully assisted many individuals in successfully changing their name as allowed by North Carolina Statute. If you wish to seek a name change, consult with Julia Pendleton to find out the process and whether you are eligible to obtain a name change in your particular circumstance.
Paternity – Paternity actions are often filed in conjuncture with custody and child support. A paternity action can give you an opportunity to judicially establish legal acknowledgment of the father of a minor child through court-ordered DNA testing. If there is any question about the paternity of a minor child, contact Julia Pendleton who can explain your options regarding paternity.
Power of attorney – Powers of attorney can be important to set up during a separation. There are certain kinds of powers of attorney that can help assist with legal document execution, such as car titles, and also help effectuate property distributions. It is also important to replace previously-executed powers of attorney that appoint former spouses as the attorney-in-fact to act in your stead and on your behalf in certain situations. You certainly do not want a former spouse making health, business or other financial-related decisions on your behalf. Make sure these documents along with other types of estate documents are updated shortly after a separation.
Prenuptial agreements – Also called premarital agreements, these are executed before marriage, and typically they are drafted to protect the status of separate property that is brought in to the marriage and to define what property accrued during the marriage should and can be considered marital property. Often these agreements have a waiver of spousal support provision. Anyone who wishes to have a prenuptial/premarital agreement drafted or reviewed before marriage should have legal representation. Julia Pendleton has drafted and given legal advice regarding these documents. Call her for any questions you have or assistance you need.
Property settlements – These can be drafted during a marriage or following a separation. A couple can seek distribution of property while they are still married, even if they have no intent to separate.
Interim agreements/nonabandonment agreements – If it is important for an immediate, temporary Agreement to set up a status quo for the immediate future, parties can resolve such situation by way of an interim/nonabandonment agreement to allow for a period of separation and work toward resolving all issues on a permanent basis with a subsequent agreement.
Parenting agreements – These types of agreements are used between parties who are amicable about co-parenting and want to establish boundaries and expectations by way of an out-of-court settlement. These agreements are a good fit for parents who want a temporary agreement for the co-parenting and custodial structure.
Contract of separation and property settlement – This type of agreement is ideal for individuals preparing for an imminent separation or have separated and wish to resolve their issues out of court. All issues can be resolved by way of a contract of separation and property settlement agreement (separation agreement). Many individuals accomplish resolution of their issues, including property division (equitable distribution), spousal support (post-separation support and alimony), child custody and child support, in this document.
Termination of parental rights – In limited situations, a parent or third-party caretaker may have grounds to move for the termination of a party’s parental rights. This is a very specific, defined and limited area of law that limits termination for certain circumstances. Julia Pendleton will be open and honest about your chances and whether your case carries the facts that are necessary to succeed for termination of parental rights.
Modification of custody/child support/alimony – In certain areas of law, a modification is possible when you have a change of circumstance. Never feel trapped in an agreement or court order, as you may have a legal basis to modify your circumstance.
See How Julia Can Help You Today
If you are in need of family law services in Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina, The Law Office of Julia M. Pendleton can lead, guide and direct you. Julia is a dedicated and compassionate attorney with years of experience, and she wants to have an opportunity to meet you.
Call 336-355-8796 or complete and submit an online contact form to receive a prompt response.