When you got married, you thought it would be forever. “Til death do you part” wasn’t just something to recite, you meant it. Unfortunately, however, many marriages have an expiration date. Most of the time it’s no one’s fault, as these things just happen. Many spouses grow apart and live as roommates for years before making the decision to separate. If you find yourself in this position, you do have options. The Law Office of Julia M. Pendleton can help in any of these areas:
If you and your spouse are having marriage difficulties, a separation might be something to explore. It’s important to seek help and information from family lawyers in your area. As long as you choose to be informed and choose to follow the legal advice of an experienced family law attorney, separation doesn’t have to be difficult and stressful. An experienced family lawyer will help guide you through the process and encourage you to make good decisions. In North Carolina, a one-year physical separation period is required with the intent of at least one party to remain separate and apart before a party can move for divorce here in this state. One party must also have six months of continued residency within the state. There are many issues that need to be addressed during a separation, including the division of property, financial support, and, if there are children involved, their custody and care. If you have recently separated or know that separation in your immediate future, call The Law Office of Julia M. Pendleton today to schedule your consultation.
If all other areas have been explored, and you realize divorce is the only option, it’s crucial to hire a skilled and knowledgeable Greensboro, North Carolina, divorce attorney. North Carolina is a “no-fault” state, which means that neither party is required to show fault. This also means that either party can obtain a divorce, even if the other spouse doesn’t consent.
Sometimes during the preliminary stages of divorce (even a high-asset divorce), claims can be made against a spouse, including criminal charges like assault, threats, and harassment, and acts of domestic violence. Before things spiral out of control, it’s crucial to speak with a Greensboro, North Carolina, domestic attorney to make sure that you’re protected.
Child Custody
During a separation or divorce, often the ones who are most affected are the children. Everyone wants to do what’s best for them, but frequently it’s difficult for people to come to a consensus on exactly what is best. Custody can be complicated, as there are many different dynamics and factors to take into consideration. But through mediation, and/or settlement conferences, a Greensboro family law attorney can help you negotiate out of court so that you can provide the best arrangements for your children.
Let Julia M. Pendleton Help You
This can be a difficult time for the entire family, but that doesn’t mean it has to be painful or ugly. The Law Office of Julia M. Pendleton will offer you guidance and support and help to get you the most desirable outcome in your separation and divorce negotiation. Call me today at 336-355-8796 or send an email today to get started.